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(Open van 8:30 uur tot 17:00 uur) copy & content
Mechelsesteenweg 155
B-2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver
BE 0848.540.558 

+ 32 15 27 55 10  -


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		string(2) "be"
		array(7) {
  string(0) ""
  string(7) "website"
  string(44) ""
  string(23) "images/logo-schrijf.png"
  string(0) ""
  string(10) ""
  string(5) "nl-BE"
		array(6) {
  string(0) ""
  string(7) "website"
  string(44) ""
  string(23) "images/logo-schrijf.png"
  string(0) ""
  string(10) ""

Do you understand?

Lang geleden, voor ik opstartte, werkte ik bij een Amerikaanse farma-multinational. Een hardwerkende Franstalige collega botste er regelmatig op de grenzen van zijn Engelse kennis. Gelukkig bewaarde ik de haast vertederende mail die hij ons zond om zich hiervoor te verontschuldigen:


I want to apologize in advance for all the mistakes
that have been made and I will probably do again in the memo
I have written so far and for those I will send you in the future.

Effectivelly,by re-reading (when replying) some of the memos
I very often found spelling mistakes in English due to time pressure.

...Sometimes I even don't understand myself anymore
but you seem to have understood which is the most important!!!

Thanks for your understanding.